Improving Systems, Part 1: Get the Beat of the System


6 min read

Recently, I finished reading "Thinking in Systems: A Primer" by Donella H. Meadows, a renowned environmental scientist, and systems thinker. The book offers a comprehensive introduction to the field of systems thinking, exploring the fundamental principles that underpin complex systems and how they operate. While the entire book was enlightening, I found the last chapter particularly inspiring, which focused on how we can improve systems.

This chapter made me realize that systems thinking is not just about understanding how things work, but also about taking action to make a positive difference in the world. It's not enough to simply analyze a system; we must also be willing to intervene and make changes that can improve its functioning. With that in mind, I decided to share with you how we can apply the principles of systems thinking to improve real-world systems.

In this post series, we will explore some practical strategies for improving systems, ranging from small-scale interventions to large-scale transformations. Whether you're interested in improving a personal habit, enhancing a business process, or addressing a social or environmental issue, this post will provide you with some useful insights and tools to help you achieve your goals. So, let's get started and learn how to make a positive impact on the systems that shape our lives.

Emphasizing Dynamic Processes: The Importance of Action over Static States

One of the fundamental principles of systems thinking is the idea that before we attempt to intervene in a system, we need to observe it in action. In other words, we must watch how the system behaves before we make any changes. This principle is critical because it helps us gain a more accurate understanding of the system's dynamics and how it operates.

When we observe a system in dynamics, we are essentially watching it in motion. We are looking at how different elements of the system interact with each other over time. This approach can provide us with a much more precise model of the system than if we were to focus on it in a static state. For example, if we were trying to improve a software development process, we could start by observing how different stages of the development cycle flow into each other over time, how team members collaborate, how code is reviewed and tested, and how feedback is integrated into the process.

"Start with behavior: starting with behavior of the system directs one's thoughts to dynamic, not static, analysis - not only to 'What's wrong?' but also to 'How did we get there?', 'What other behavior models are possible?', 'If we don't change the direction, where are we going to end up?'. And looking to the strengths of the system, one can ask 'What's working well here?' Starting with the history of several variables plotted together begins to suggest not only what elements are in the system, but how they might be interconnected" - Donella H. Meadows

Look for feedback loops and patterns

By watching the system in dynamics, we can gain a better understanding of the feedback loops that operate within it. Feedback loops are a critical aspect of systems thinking because they describe how a change in one element of the system can affect other elements, leading to a ripple effect of changes throughout the system. When we observe a system in dynamics, we can see these feedback loops in action and understand how they contribute to the system's behavior.

Another advantage of watching a system in dynamics is that it allows us to identify patterns and trends over time. For example, if we were studying the performance of a software development team, we could observe how their productivity and quality of work change throughout the development cycle and over different projects. This information could then be used to design more effective project management strategies that take these patterns into account. So, next time you're looking to make changes to a process, remember to start by watching how it behaves over time.

The Value of Understanding the Historical Context

Observing a system in dynamics can also provide us with valuable insights into its history. By watching how a system has evolved, we can gain a better understanding of the decisions and tradeoffs that have been made in the past. This knowledge can be especially useful when trying to make changes to the system, as it can help us avoid repeating mistakes or unintended consequences.

For example, one of Amazon's principal engineering tenets is to "Respect What Came Before." This means that they recognize the value of the decisions and tradeoffs that have been made in the past, and strive to build upon that foundation rather than starting from scratch. When making changes to a system, they encourage their engineers to ask people who have been around for a long time to share their knowledge and experience.

By asking these questions, Amazon's engineers can learn from the system's history and avoid making mistakes that have already been made. They can also gain a better understanding of the tradeoffs that were made in the past, and make more informed decisions about the changes they want to make.

This principle can be applied to any system, whether it's a manufacturing process, a transportation system, or a social institution. By asking questions about its history, we can gain a deeper understanding of how it operates and the challenges it faces. This knowledge can then be used to design more effective interventions that take into account the system's strengths and weaknesses. By asking questions and learning from the experiences of those who came before us, we can avoid making the same mistakes and build upon the foundation that has already been laid. This principle of respecting what came before is an essential aspect of systems thinking and can help us make more informed and effective decisions when seeking to improve a system.

Gathering and Analyzing Metrics

When considering making changes to a system, it's essential to gather data and observe the system's behavior before doing any migration or changes. This is especially true in software development, where changes can have far-reaching effects on the team, the product, and the end users.

Before making any changes, it's important to gather data on how the system is currently operating. This data can include metrics on team satisfaction, customer requirements, and technical performance. For example, the DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics are commonly used to measure the performance of software development teams. These metrics can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement and can help guide the development of a plan for making changes to the system. This can involve conducting user testing, monitoring system performance, and analyzing user feedback. By observing the system in action, we can gain a better understanding of how it's currently performing, identify areas for improvement, and develop a plan for making changes that will lead to better outcomes.

For example, imagine that a software development team is considering migrating its product to a new platform. Before making this migration, they would need to gather data on how the product is currently performing, what features are most important to their customers, and how their team is currently operating. They would also need to identify any potential issues with the migration and develop a plan for addressing them.

Key Takeaway

Don't jump to solution mode right away, pay attention to what the system is doing and why it's doing it.